HSB Blog

SCOTUS Issues New Undue Hardship Standard for Religious Accommodation Requests

June 30, 2023

Employers faced with requests from employees for a religious accommodation to an employment requirement, policy or practice are now required to apply a new undue hardship analysis when considering whether to grant or deny the request. In a unanimous opinion issued Thursday, June 29, 2023, the United States Supreme Court ruled a showing of more than a de minimis or minimal cost will not establish undue hardship when considering an employee's religious accommodation request.

How Will SCOTUS’ Upcoming Cases Affect Title VII?

June 20, 2019

The United States Supreme Court will decide three cases in October 2019 to determine if Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act guarantees protections from workplace discrimination and harassment to employees on the basis of gender identity or sexual preference.

Next Stop: The United States Supreme Court

June 08, 2017

In an earlier post, we discussed President Trump’s second Executive Order (E.O.) aimed at restricting entry into the United States of certain foreign nationals.